Sharing albums with PhotoLog

We sometimes have albums that we want to share with friends of family. Be it we want them to just view them or we want them to be able to contribute to them, PhotoLog is here to help! In this guide, we are going to explore the ways in which PhotoLog allows you to share your media.

Creating a share link

Sharing in PhotoLog is done via "share links". Each album can have multiple share links, each with their specific set of rules. To create a share link, you can follow the steps:
  • Open the album you want to share,
  • Click on the yellow "Share" button,
Image describing how to open the share interface
  • In the newly opened pop-up, click on the green "new share link" button,
Image describing how to create a new share link
  • Using the "Access type" field, you can specify which type of access you are granting via this link. Access types are:
    • View only - People with the link can only view the media files within the album but they cannot change them
    • Upload and view - People with the link can also upload to the same album, however they cannot delete anything from the album (not even their own uploads). This is useful for special occasions where you want everyone to add their photos to one shared album (such as weddings, private events, parties, etc). This also requires the people with the link to have a PhotoLog account (even if they don't have an active subscription),
    • Full edit access - People with the link can modify all album contents, including deletion. This access type should only be used and given to people you fully trust. This also requires the people with the link to have a PhotoLog account (even if they don't have an active subscription),
  • Using the "Link expiration" field, you can specify when the link will expire and no longer be valid. It is important to note that people that have already used the share link will still have access after the link expires if they were logged in with a PhotoLog account when accessing the link,
  • After filling in the above fields, click the green "Create share link" button,
Image describing the fields in the new share link interface
  • You will then be presented with the new share link QR code and link which you can pass on to anyone you want.
Image describing how the share link looks like.

Removing album access

Sometimes we want to remove access from people with whom we've shared the album with. This is also easy to do with PhotoLog. To do this follow the steps:
  • Open the album you want to share,
  • Click on the yellow "Share" button,
Image describing how to open the share interface
  • In the newly opened pop-up, click on the yellow "View shared users",
Image describing how to view users with whom we have shared with.
  • Identify the user you want to remove access from,
  • Click on the red "Remove access" button to remove the users access.
Image describing how to remove access from users with whom we have shared with.
That's all! 🙂

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