Connecting your own storage provider to PhotoLog

Guide on setting up your own S3 compatible storage

PhotoLog is compatible with most S3 storage providers. This way, you can use your own or provider to store your media whilst still leveraging the features PhotoLog has to offer.

This is a more advanced way of using PhotoLog and requires setting up an additional provider. It is recommended for users who are already using a storage provider or want to use a free storage provider.
Disclaimer: This guide will provide you with the basics on how to set up a 'Bring Your Own Storage' PhotoLog subscription, however it does not cover details on best practices or security for every individual provider. Please consult with your provider for the best practices and security. Additionally, PhotoLog cannot be held liable for data loss or additional costs caused by using the S3 provider or any misconfiguration.

Additionally, PhotoLog cannot be held accountable for any data loss, data corruption or any other issues caused by using an external provider.

Recommended S3 providers *:

In this guide we will go through setting up using Amazon AWS S3.
Prerequisites: Steps:
Step 1: Creating the S3 bucket.
Create bucket 1
  • Fill in the bucket name and region and click on "Create bucket" on the lower side of the page.
Step 2: Getting the access credentials.
  • Click on "Add users" button on the right hand side of the page
  • Enter the desired user name
  • Click "Next"
  • Check "Attach policies directly"
  • Search for "s3"
  • Check "AmazonS3FullAccess"
  • Then click "Next" again
  • Click "Create user"
  • Search for the newly created user and click on its name
  • Click on the "Security credentials" tab
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page
  • Click "Create access key"
  • Check "Command Line Interface (Cli)
  • Check the "I understand.." checkbox
  • Click "Next"
  • Click "Create access key"
  • Save the generated keys in a safe place and click "Done"
Step 3: Setting up the credentials on the PhotoLog platform
Picture describing where to find the menu.
Picture describing where to find the subscriptions.
  • Select the subscription you want to set up,
  • Click on the "Manage storage settings" button,
Picture describing where to find the subscription and storage management button.
  • Add the bucket name and credentials from steps 1 and 2
  • Save the settings.
Picture describing how to set up the storage.
Congratulations! PhotoLog should now be using your own storage provider for that subscription.

* PhotoLog and Glitch Media are not in any way affiliated with any of these providers.

Connect your S3 compatible storage!

Own your data by using your own S3 compatible bucket with PhotoLog!

No credit card required

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